The probabilities of issuing severe weather warning signals
Update Time: 2021-06-11 23:00
Signals |
Forecast Period |
Probability |
Typhoon Signal No.1 |
In effect |
Typhoon Signal No.3 |
Between midnight and early morning on 12th |
Medium |
Typhoon Signal No.8 |
Low |
"blue" Storm Surge Warning |
In effect |
"yellow" Storm Surge Warning |
Low |
The tropical depression will come closest to Macao about 450km southwest of Macao on 12th. It will generally move towards Hainan Island. Under the influence of its circulation, the wind in Macao will increase significantly, with winds reaching level 6 and with showers occasionally. The Tropical Cyclone Signal no. 3 may be issued depending on the tropical depression's development. At the same time, under the combined effects of the astronomical tide and strong winds, the area in the inner harbor may be flooded on the morning of the 12th. The flooding height is predicted to be below 0.5 meters. The public are advised to pay attention to the latest storm news and take preventive measures.
Remarks: The probabilities of issuing severe weather warning signals for the next one or two days are provided in the table. Public can learn the possibility of being affected by the tropical cyclone over the specific period of time in Macao so that necessary precautions can be well prepared earlier. Please keep notice of our latest information.