
Alteration of the closing hours of Lou Kau Mansion on 11 May and from 13 to 15 May

Cultural Affairs Bureau
2021-04-27 15:30
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Due to the staging of the performance Property Guide at Lou Kau Mansion, integrated in the 31st Macao Art Festival, organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau, the Lou Kau Mansion will close at 5pm on 11 May and from 13 to 15 May, and the second floor will be temporarily closed from 3 to 16 May.

The Lou Kau Mansion is open daily from 10am to 6pm (last admission at 5:30pm), including on public holidays and closes on Mondays. For enquiries, please contact IC through tel. no. 2836 6320 during office hours.

The Cultural Affairs Bureau will closely monitor the progression of the epidemic, strictly follow the related anti-epidemic guidelines of the Health Bureau and implement appropriate measures for cultural activities. For more information, please visit IC’s website at www.icm.gov.mo.

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