
First phase of data collection for 2021 population Census begins on 1 April

Statistics and Census Service
2021-04-01 16:50
  • First phase of data collection for 2021 population Census begins on 1 April

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Most countries or territories conduct a population census every ten years, as in line with international practice, to collect detailed information on demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the population. Macao is going to conduct its 16th Population Census and the 6th Housing Census (hereinafter referred to as 2021 Population Census) this year. The 2021 Population Census covers the entire population of Macao and data collection will be carried out in two phases.

The first phase of data collection runs from 1 April to 31 May, during which the marine population and individuals living in collective living quarters (such as dormitories and staff quarters) will be interviewed. To ensure a smooth census operation, officials of the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) have been visiting tertiary institutions and associations since the end of March to present the data collection arrangements and gather opinions and comments from the respective parties.

The second phase of data collection will be conducted from 7 to 21 August, during which households living in general housing units will be interviewed. All of the interviewed units will receive a notification letter from DSEC in advance. According to Administrative Regulation no. 6/2021, census respondents must provide the required information within the specified period.

The success of the 2021 Population Census relies on the support and cooperation of the public and the community. DSEC calls on the public to fulfil their civic obligations and cooperate by providing accurate information in the Census. The data collected will be kept in strict confidence and used solely for statistical purposes. Census results will be published in aggregate form. For more details, please visit the website of the 2021 Population Census (https://www.dsec.gov.mo/Censos2021).

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