
Optimisation for electronic consumption benefits plan to be announced soon

Government Information Bureau
2021-03-27 23:27
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The Office of the Secretary for Economy and Finance states the following:

1) The Government pays great attention to the opinions of the public regarding optimisation of the electronic consumption benefits plan. Officials from departments under the Secretary for Economy and Finance have held recently a total of 15 information sessions and met with representatives from an aggregate of 19 associations, to garner their opinions regarding the plan. Officials also garnered views from members of the Legislative Assembly, scholars and individuals from the community.

2) The Government has learned the public prefer the electronic consumption card model that was employed in 2020, and will press ahead with work in that direction, in a bid to enable members of the public to enjoy more conveniently the consumption benefits to be provided by the Government. An announcement regarding optimisation will be made soon, once technical details have been finalised.

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