Preparations for upcoming Legislative Assembly election going as planned
Government Information Bureau
2020-12-11 18:00
  • The Secretary for Administration and Justice, Mr Cheong Weng Chon, speaks to repoters.

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Preparations for the upcoming Legislative Assembly election, scheduled for 2021, were progressing as planned, said the Secretary for Administration and Justice, Mr Cheong Weng Chon.

According to the relevant law, the Electoral Affairs Commission for the Legislative Assembly Election should be formed by the end of December.

Speaking to reporters on Thursday (10 December), on the sidelines of a Legislative Assembly committee meeting, Secretary Cheong said the Government had proposals to ensure successful organisation of the election, and maintenance of epidemic-control work during the election period. He added that it was a challenge to try to estimate now how developments regarding the pandemic might unfold next year.

Mr Cheong called on eligible residents to sign up to vote, noting the registration deadline for newly-eligible voters was 31 December. 

When speaking to reporters, Mr Cheong said additionally he was looking forward to maintaining communication with local animal-welfare groups, saying a meeting would be held later to hear their views on the Animal Protection Law and the trap-neuter-return (TNR) programme for stray animals.

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