CCAC cracked two criminal cases involving public servants
Commission Against Corruption
2020-10-29 10:39
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The CCAC received a report filed in person by a resident, claiming that a judiciary police made illegal access to his and his female friend’s immigration records with abuse of office.

After investigation, the CCAC found that the criminal investigator involved was suspected to have, for the sake of personal interests, accessed the immigration records of the aforesaid resident and his female friend for a few times in 2019 without authorisation from his superior.

The investigator was suspected to have committed abuse of office and the crime of undue access provided for in Law no. 8/2005 on Personal Data Protection Act. The case has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office for follow-up work.

In addition, the CCAC also detected a case where a worker of the Municipal Affairs Bureau (former Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau) allegedly made changes in the quotation document of a company that had won a contract.

Following the investigation into a report received by the CCAC, it came to light that when closing the account of procurement contracts, the bureau discovered that the name of the company involved was different from that shown on the company chop. Subsequently, the document was returned to the worker responsible for the procurement for follow-up. In order to evade possible disciplinary liability resulting from the mistake, the public servant made changes in the document without authorisation and then closed the account with the document. His act has constituted an offence of forgery by public servant. The case has been referred to the Public Prosecutions Office upon completion of the investigation. The CCAC would like to remind the public servants responsible for procurement procedures that they should perform their duties in strict compliance with the law.

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