
CCAC concluded two cases involving Labour Affairs Bureau

Commission Against Corruption
2020-10-15 11:43
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The CCAC received a report from the Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) indicating that a trainee of the training course for “Occupational Safety Card in the Construction Industry” allegedly bribed the invigilator from the DSAL.

It was found in the investigation that as the trainee expected that it was not likely for him to pass the exam of the training course, during the exam, he promised the invigilator a bribe of MOP2,000, hoping that the latter would helped him pass the exam and obtain the “Occupational Safety Card in the Construction Industry”. The trainee’s act has allegedly constituted active bribe provided for in the Penal Code and the case has been referred to the Public Prosecutions Office following completion of the investigation.

In addition, the CCAC uncovered a case involving a worker of administrative and financial affairs of the DSAL who accepted a co-worker’s application for marriage allowance and handled it on his own when he was working as a supervisor although he knew that the application was overdue. The worker even wrote a fabricated date of receipt and reason on the application form and falsely claimed that the applicant had submitted the form within the statutory submission period. Eventually, they managed to deceive the DSAL and have the application approved. As a result, the Financial Services Bureau has mistakenly granted the marriage allowance to the applicant.

The duo’s acts have allegedly constituted forgery by public servant and fraud as prescribed by the Penal Code and the case has been referred to the Public Prosecutions Office.

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