
Macao Public Library of the Cultural Affairs Bureau extends book loan period until 11 May

Cultural Affairs Bureau
2020-03-31 18:15
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In view of the impact of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, the Macao Public Library under the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym) has further extended the loan period until 11 May (Monday) for library materials originally due to be returned between 24 January and 10 May. Therefore the public do not have to hasten to return the materials to the public libraries.

Several public libraries under IC have partially opened the periodical reading areas to the public as well as its loan services for reserved library resources. The libraries open in three periods daily between 8am to 8pm (closing from 8am to 2pm on Mondays) and close for half an hour between each period for cleaning purposes. The desks for public reading are cleaned and sanitized every hour, and books that are successfully reserved are sanitized twice. Readers may also access the electronic resources on the Macao Public Library’s website, which features a large number of e-books, e-magazines, academic journals and children’s picture books.

For details, please visit the Macao Public Library’s website (www.library.gov.mo) or contact the Library through tel. no. 2893 0077 or 2856 7576 during opening hours.

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