Consumer Council sets up hotline during National Day Holiday
Consumer Council
2019-09-30 15:16
  • Departments met before National Day Holiday to discuss on the work for protection of consumer rights

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As 1st October National Day is approaching, consumption by citizens is expected to increase, so are the number of inbound tourists. Consumer Council held a meeting earlier with Economic Bureau (DSE), Macao Government Tourist Office (DST), Transport Bureau (DSAT), Judiciary Police (PJ), Public Security Police Force (PSP), Macao Custom Service, Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM), Health Bureau (SS), and Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau (CTT) to discuss on the protection of consumer rights of local citizens as well as inbound tourists. Representatives on the meeting all agreed to enhance patrol and communication between departments.

The Council carries out patrol with other departments before the Holiday to promote honest business practices among traders and to safeguard consumer rights.

Hotline service (8988-9315) will be available during the National Day holiday period from 9AM to 6PM daily during 1st October to 2nd October for receiving consumers’ complaints and enquiries.

Consumers may seek for assistance from the Council or other government departments when consumer disputes arise. Consumers may visit the Council’s website ( to lodge their complaints online, complaints can also be lodged through the Council’s official WeChat account.

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