
Private sector construction and real estate transactions for the 2nd quarter of 2019

Statistics and Census Service
2019-08-16 15:54
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Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that a total of 3,593 building units and parking spaces were purchased and sold in the second quarter of 2019 as per Stamp Duty record, and the total value of transactions was MOP20.05 billion, up by 94.2% and 90.1% respectively quarter-to-quarter.

Purchase and sale of residential units increased by 1,346 quarter-to-quarter to 2,725 units, and the total value surged by 103.2% to MOP16.90 billion. Number of existing residential units transacted rose by 1,171 to 2,357, amounting to MOP13.76 billion, up by 113.8%. Transaction volume of pre-sale residential units expanded by 175 quarter-to-quarter to 368 units, and the transaction value grew by 67.0% to MOP3.14 billion.

With respect to the average price per square metre of usable area, the overall average price of residential units (MOP110,263) increased by 7.5% quarter-to-quarter; the average prices of those in the Macao Peninsula (MOP109,987) and Coloane (MOP128,871) rose by 11.4% and 1.6% respectively, while the average price of those in Taipa (MOP101,515) dropped by 3.4%.

The average price per square metre of usable area of existing residential units (MOP105,575) rose by 9.7% quarter-to-quarter, on account of an increase of 13.7 percentage points in the proportion of higher-priced new residential buildings built within 5 years (27.8%). Most of the transacted units were in NATAP, with 785 units; 247 units were in Baixa da Taipa and 179 in Areia Preta & Iao Hon. The average prices per square metre were MOP146,481, MOP98,455 and MOP91,401 respectively.

As regards pre-sale residential units, the average price per square metre grew by 3.2% quarter-to-quarter to MOP136,022. There were 235 transacted units in Coloane, 44 in Móng Há & Reservatório and 36 in Baixa da Taipa; the respective average prices per square metre were MOP131,981, MOP156,766 and MOP140,931.

The average price per square metre of industrial units went up by 7.5% quarter-to-quarter to MOP55,488 and that of office units rose by 0.4% to MOP102,390.

In the second quarter, there were 2,445 real estate purchase and sale contracts signed, and the number of properties involved (2,725) increased by 44.5% quarter-to-quarter. Meanwhile, 2,516 mortgage contracts were signed, and the number of properties involved (5,005) rose by 62.2%.

As regards construction in the private sector, there were 8,176 residential units in the design stage, 7,377 under construction and 302 under inspection as at the end of the second quarter. During the quarter, 96 residential units were issued the construction permit, with studio flats accounting for 64.6% of the total. Meanwhile, 69 residential units were issued the licence of use and 65.2% of them were studio flats.

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