Consumer Council attended Consumers International Summit 2019 in Portugal
Consumer Council
2019-05-16 15:51
  • Representatives of consumer organizations in China, HK, Macao, and Taiwan Region with Helena Leurent, Director Genreal of Consumers International

  • Members of CONSUMARE and João Torres, Secretary of State of Consumer Protection, Government of Portugal

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Mr. Casimiro de Jesus Pinto, consultant of the Office of the Secretary for Economy and Finance of the Macao SAR Government, together with representatives of Macao Consumer Council attended Consumers International Summit 2019 in Portugal and participated in meetings and seminars during the Summit.

The Consumers International Summit 2019 took place in Estoril, Portugal, from 29 April to 2 May. Consumers International co-hosted the summit with the Consumer Directorate-General of Portugal and the Internet Society, a global non-profit organization. Mr. Pedro Siza Vieira, Minister in the Cabinet of the Prime Minister and of Economy, Government of Portugal, Mr. João Torres, Secretary of State of Consumer Protection, Government of Portugal, and representatives from governments and consumer organizations worldwide, as well as from businesses and civil societies attended the Summit. Mr. Wong Hong Neng, President of Macao Consumer Council Executive Committee represented Macao Consumer Council and executed his voting rights.

The focus of the Summit is to put consumers at the heart of digital development. The Summit explored how artificial intelligence is leading the way to change the lives of consumers and also the impacts of the digital economy on them. The Summit harnessed the power of collective intelligence of the experts and in a way fostered understanding between those who create digital products and services, and those who use and regulate them. The Summit also addressed issues that are important to consumers living in a digital society and economy, such as choice, access, data protection and regulation.

Macao Consumer Council also took the opportunity to meet with the Portuguese Economic and Food Safety Authority (ASAE), Directorate-General for Consumer Affairs, Portugal (DGC) and The Portuguese Association for Consumer Protection (DECO). These organizations have signed cooperation agreements with the Council. The Council held meetings with these organizations respectively and discussed with them the collaboration plans in the upcoming year. In addition, the Council also met up with China Consumers Association, Consumers' Foundation of Taiwan Region and Hong Kong Consumer Council during the Summit and exchanged views regarding consumer protection issues.

The Consumers International Summit is held every four years. New policies on global consumer protection are laid out in each summit and a new president, and executive members are elected. Marimuthu Nadason of the Federation of Malaysian Consumers Association was elected President at CI’s General Assembly this time.

Consumers International was founded in 1960. It is a global, non-profit organization with over 200 member organizations in more than 100 countries and regions. Macao Consumer Council became a full member of Consumers International in 1997 and can exercise its right to vote on matters at the CI General Assembly and elect the CI President.

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