Consumer Council received 37 cases between 1-5 May
Consumer Council
2019-05-07 18:11
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Consumer Council received a total number of 37 complaint cases and 13 enquiries during the 5-day Labour Day Holiday.

Hotline service was provided during 1 May Labour Day Holiday. The Council provided services on non-working days to citizens and tourists, 50 complaints and inquiries were received between the 5-day holiday, and 30 percent of the cases were lodged by tourists.

Among the 37 complaint cases, 9 cases involve taxi fees and 7 cases are related to service of food outlets, others include complaints from both tourists and local citizens on the quality and services of cosmetics products. Assistance had been given to consumers by the Council, cases had been reviewed and referred to other departments.

For enquiry or complaint, please call 8988 9315.

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