IC organizes sharing sessions for Tap Siac Craft Market booth operators
Cultural Affairs Bureau
2019-05-06 12:30
  • Craft Market booth operators exchanging ideas during the sharing session

  • Group photo of the sharing session participants

The Youtube video is unavailable

To facilitate the interaction and exchange between booth operators of the Tap Siac Craft Market and raise their awareness of intellectual property protection, the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym) organized two sharing sessions for the operators during the event period, which were attended by a total of 150 operators from different regions.

The two sharing sessions were held on 25 April and 2 May respectively, from 7pm to 10pm at the Tap Siac Square seeking to lay a foundation for the operators’ future collaboration by providing them with an opportunity to know, exchange ideas and learn from each other. A total of 150 operators from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Malaysia came on stage to introduce their original brands and products while IC representatives elaborated upon the activities and rules of the Craft Market. On the evening of 25 April, U Iek Chun, Head of the Inspection Division of the Intellectual Property Rights Department of the Macao Customs Service, was invited to explain the key points on intellectual property rights of particular importance to the operators, in order to raise their awareness of such issues when selling cultural and creative products. Other representatives of the event organisers also attended the sharing session, including the Project Manager of The Life Guangzhou, Sarah Nie; the Supervisor of The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong, Wong Mei Ling; and the Founder of the CAMPOBAG in Taiwan, Chen Jing Ting.

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