
Exhibition “Strolling and Feeling: Watercolour Paintings of Lai Ieng” opens, depicting Macao landscapes over the years

Cultural Affairs Bureau
2019-03-22 21:09
  • Exhibition “Strolling and Feeling: Watercolour Paintings of Lai Ieng” opens, depicting Macao landscapes over the years

  • Exhibition “Strolling and Feeling: Watercolour Paintings of Lai Ieng” opens, depicting Macao landscapes over the years

  • Exhibition “Strolling and Feeling: Watercolour Paintings of Lai Ieng” opens, depicting Macao landscapes over the years

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Organized by the Macao Museum of Art (MAM), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, the exhibition “ Strolling and Feeling: Watercolour Paintings of Lai Ieng” was inaugurated on 22 March, at 6:30pm, at the special exhibition room on the 3rd floor of MAM. The opening ceremony was held in a lively atmosphere and was officiated by the President of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, Mok Ian Ian; the Assistant of the Deputy Director of the Department of Publicity and Culture of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macao S.A.R., Shao Bin; the Director of the Macao Government Tourism Office, Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes; the Vice-President of the Administrative Committee of the Macao Foundation, Zhong Yi Seabra de Mascarenhas; the President of Yu Un Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association of Macao, Chui Sai Cheong; the Director of Macao Daily News, Lok Po; the President of the Macau Artist Society, Lok Hei; the Chairman of the Macau Chinese Cultural Friendship Association, Leong Wa; and the artist of the exhibition, Lai Ieng.

Macau is a small East-meets-West city, with streets and alleys full of southern European flavour. Its characteristic buildings have given the artist a lot of creativity and inspiration for painting, and he especially likes presenting them in watercolour. The exhibition features 32 watercolours by Macao’s contemporary painter Lai Ieng, which span nearly forty years, representing his historical feelings about Macao. The corners of the busy commercial centre of the city and the shore of Taipa or Coloane island have become Lai's inspirational painting themes. The show gives audience the opportunity to follow the artist's sketching footprints, discover the beauty of scenic alleys in the city and the charm of local life, and feel Macao’s unique cultural heritage and optimistic spirit through his keen observations and subtle brushstrokes.

Lai Ieng, born in Macao in 1949, is a local contemporary painter who was awarded the Medal of Merit for Culture of the Macao SAR in 2008. He has hosted and participated in many exhibitions in Mainland China, Macao and abroad. His works, with bright, rich colours and great charm, reflect Macao's landscapes and flavours of life.

In order to give the audience a better understanding of the stories behind Lai’s watercolours, a guided tour hosted by the artist will be held on 14 April, at the special exhibition room on the 3rd floor of the MAM. Interested parties may register for free at the Cultural Affairs Bureau’s “Activity Registration System” (https://www.icm.gov.mo/eform/event/).

The exhibition “Strolling and Feeling: Watercolour Paintings of Lai Ieng” runs until 16 June 2019. The Macao Museum of Art, located at Avenida Xian Xing Hai, NAPE, is open daily from 10am to 7pm (no admittance after 6:30pm), including public holidays, and is closed on Mondays. Admission is free. For more information, please visit the MAM’s website at www.MAM.gov.mo. For enquiries, please contact MAM through tel. no. 8791 9814 during opening hours.

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