
AACM suspends flight applications of B737 MAX aircraft

Civil Aviation Authority
2019-03-13 15:13
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In view of the two accidents of Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft and the safety precautions gradually taken by the aeronautical authorities in other places on the operations of Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, the Civil Aviation Authority of Macao SAR (AACM) has decided to temporarily suspend the flight applications of Boeing 737 MAX 8 and MAX 9 aircraft by any airlines, and will continue to monitor closely the safety concerns with the MAX aircraft.

Presently, the Macao registered aircraft do not have Boeing 737 MAX aircraft in the list; there are no operations of Boeing 737 MAX aircraft by any airlines in Macau International Airport. The above suspension does not affect the present flight operations in our airport.

As the regulatory body of Macao’s aviation safety, AACM has always taken a strict manner in ensuring that the operations in our air transport market are safe. AACM will lift the suspension only when the safety concerns of Boeing 737 MAX 8 and MAX 9 aircraft are cleared.

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