“2018 Hong Kong-Macao Visual Art Biennale” held in Hangzhou
Cultural Affairs Bureau
2018-11-08 14:48
  • “2018 Hong Kong-Macao Visual Art Biennale” held in Hangzhou

  • “2018 Hong Kong-Macao Visual Art Biennale” held in Hangzhou

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Organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China, the Secretariat for Social Affairs and Culture of the Macao S.A.R. Government and the Home Affairs Bureau of the Hong Kong S.A.R. Government, in cooperation with the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao S.A.R. Government, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department of the Hong Kong S.A.R. Government, the Gansu Provincial Department of Culture and the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Culture, and presented by the China Arts and Entertainment Group and the China International Exhibition Agency, the “2018 Hong Kong-Macao Visual Art Biennale” was presented in Beijing and Dunhuang. From 30 October to 11 November, the exhibition has its final stop in the Zhejiang Art Museum in Hangzhou. Representatives of the Cultural Affairs Bureau attended the opening ceremony.

In order to promote an integrated artistic development and cooperation between Mainland China, Macao and Hong Kong, and to facilitate exchange and interaction between young artists from the three regions, the Organizer hosts a residency programme of Hong Kong and Macao visual artists in Hangzhou, aiming at familiarizing them with the traditional culture and customs of Hangzhou and at developing their interaction with local artists and enthusiasts, and allowing them to be inspired by them and integrate the new experience into their artistic creations. Three young local artists Cheong Cheng Wa, Ng Man Wai and Wong Weng Io, will participate in the programme and share their artistic proposals.

Since its first edition in 2008, the Hong Kong-Macao Visual Art Biennale has become an important platform for joint visual arts promotion, co-operation and exchange between Mainland China, Macao and Hong Kong. This year, the Biennale is themed “Urban Touch” and presents cutting-edge creations and the development of the visual arts scene in the three regions in recent years. Macao’s exhibition space is dedicated to the theme “Transcending the City”, and it explores the interaction between people, the relationship between people and the city, and the memories and experiences that arise therein as well as the evolution of the city along its constant development. Six local young artists participated in this exhibition, including Ng Man Wai, Lai Sio Kit, Wong Ka Long, Wong Weng Io, Cheong Cheng Wa and Fok Hoi Seng, who presented their artworks in a variety of forms, showing the vitality of Macao’s artistic creations.

The “2018 Hong Kong-Macao Visual Arts Biennale” was inaugurated at the Beijing Minsheng Art Museum on 31 August. Representatives of the Cultural Affairs Bureau and participating artists from Macao attended the opening ceremony and participated in the sharing sessions. The exhibition was also presented in Dunhuang, and is now open in Huangzhou until 11 November.

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