
Government Headquarters open to public on 27 and 28 October

Government Information Bureau
2018-10-12 12:17
  • Government Headquarters open to public on 27 and 28 October

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The Government Headquarters Open Day sessions will this year be held during the weekend of 27 to 28 October. The sessions will feature a series of performances and a flower displays themed "The Wizard of Oz".

On both days, between 9am and 6pm, members of the public will have the opportunity to visit the Protocol Palace of the Government Headquarters and part of its garden.

The Government Headquarters, on Avenida da Praia Grande, comprises four buildings: the Protocol Palace; the front block and the rear block of the Government Headquarters Administrative Building; the adjoining Government Head Office Auxiliary Bureau Building; and a garden.

The Protocol Palace – including the Multi-purpose Room, the Lotus Room, the Grand Hall on the upper floor, the Green Hall, the Yellow Hall and the Blue Hall – and part of the garden will be open to members of the public during the two days.

During the Open Day sessions, members of the public will have the opportunity not only to appreciate furnishings and decorative accessories at the Government Headquarters buildings, but also to enjoy live music performances by the Macao Police Band and the Macao Youth Choir.

When visiting the Government Headquarters, please be reminded that selfie stick, pet, umbrella, beverage and food are prohibited on the premises. For more information, please visit https://www2.gcs.gov.mo/openday or call +853 2872 6886 during office hours.

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