
UM holds UAUC joint meeting; Chui hopes UM redoubles effort to train high-calibre professionals in various fields

University of Macau
2018-06-20 19:28
  • UM holds the UAUC Joint Meeting

  • UM Chancellor Chui Sai On with UA and UC members

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The University of Macau (UM) yesterday (19 June) held the Joint Meeting of the University Assembly (UA) and University Council (UC) for the 2017/2018 academic year in its Ho Yin Conference Hall. Chui Sai On, chief executive of the Macao SAR, chancellor of UM, and chair of the UA, presided over the meeting. Chui said that the Macao SAR government accords great importance to education and hopes UM will redouble its effort to produce high-calibre professionals in various fields.

Chui said, ‘We can never stress more the importance of education to our nation and its role in the social and economic progress of the Macao community. Talent nurturing has always been at the top of our policy agenda and it is our conviction that it is a means to making Macao thrive and prosperous. To do that well, therefore, we are optimising education policies and we are providing more resources for education. The Hengqin campus brings in new opportunities and now, a new chapter. All this is how we can describe this university as we know it today and all this is attributable to the successful workings of One Country Two Systems and no less to the steadfast support of higher education by the central government, the SAR government and the local community.’

He said, ‘I trust that under the concerted efforts of its staff, the university will be able to do a good job to measure up to what society expects of it. On my part, I hold the same expectations of the university: keep exploring, make use of the integrated learning approach to produce a great education in various disciplines, be innovation-spirited and be reactive to the socio-economic developments of our society.’ He added, ‘The University of Macau is a public comprehensive tertiary education institution, which obliges it to carry on with the important mission of talent nurturing and ensure that there be adequate talent to sustain the successful operation of One Country Two Systems.’

University Council Chair Lam Kam Seng delivered a report on the UC’s work over the past academic year. He said that in the past year, UM produced good results in the selection of a new rector, in nurturing talent and leveraging the university’s teaching and research forte, and in instituting a regime of intellectual property protection to encourage the application of research output. In conclusion, Lam said a new chapter of local higher education is now open to us as the Higher Education Regime is to be operative soon, and UM will position itself well for that.

Rector Yonghua Song reported the university’s progress in various areas, including talent development, teaching, and scientific research. He said UM has produced good results in technological innovations, and in the future the university will redouble its effort to train multidisciplinary graduates with creative thinking skills. Currently, UM is preparing for the establishment of a third state key laboratory in smart cities and the Internet of Things. It will actively integrate into the Greater Bay Area and participate in national research projects, and establish a mechanism for research collaboration, in order to increase the innovativeness and impact of research output, and contribute to the moderate diversification of Macao’s economy and the development of the Greater Bay Area.

Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Tam Chon Weng hosted a dinner for UA and UC members after the joint meeting to thank them for their hard work in the past year. Secretary Tam pledged continued support for UM and expressed hope that UM will produce more high-calibre professionals in science and technology to help Macao integrate into the Greater Bay Area and realise the moderate diversification of its economy.

The UA and the UC consist of prominent members of the community, UM’s management, as well as representatives of faculty members, students, and alumni. The following individuals attended this year’s UAUC Joint Meeting: Chui Sai On, Lam Kam Seng, Lei Pui Lam, Wong Chong Fat, Lau Veng Lin, Ng Fok, Siu Yin Wai, Zhou Ligao, Susana Chou, Wong King Keung, Lao Ngai Leong, Cheng Kar Shing, Fok Chun-wan, Tse Chi Wai, Anabela Fátima Xavier Sales Ritchie, Tong Chi Kin, Kou Kam Fai, Au Chong Kit, Huen Wing Ming, Ip Peng Kin, Sou Chio Fai, Lou Pak Sang, Iong Kong Leong, Yonghua Song, Lionel Ni, Rui Martins, Kou Mei, Jacky So, Hong Gang Jin, Iu Vai Pan, Wong Pak Kin, Ao Peng Kong, Kot Man Kam, Ieong Man In, Ouyang Mingcong, Leung Kai Chun (secretary of UA and secretary general of UC ). Those who sat in on the meeting included Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Tam Chon Weng, and Chief of the Office of the Chief Executive O Lam.

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