
Consumer Council started 2nd phase on-site evaluation on “Certified Shops”

Consumer Council
2017-06-07 17:58
  • Assessment team member conducts on-site evaluation

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Consumer Council started its second phase of on-site evaluation on its “Adherents” and “Certified Shops” in June. The Council indicates that continuous inspection ensures stability in the services provided by “Adherents” and “Certified Shops”, shops’ continuous improvement also help to safeguard consumer rights.

In order to strengthen its monitoring on “Adherents” and “Certified Shops”, the Council increased its frequency of on-site evaluation in recent years. The first phase on-site evaluation on about 1,400 of its “Adherents” earlier was completed earlier, and the second phase evaluation just started this month.

The second phase evaluation targets at shops which failed in the first phase and needed improvement. According to records of past years, most of the shops managed to make improvements after suggestions were given. An increase of about twenty percent was recorded in the number of shops which was graded A- and A in the past two years, showing that frequent on-site evaluation helps to improve the overall standard of “Certified Shops” and better protection and services are provided to consumers.

The assessment team members conduct the evaluation on shops according to twenty one grading criteria, including the basic information of products, price labeling, and disclaimer of shop, etc.. The assessment team has been trained specifically to conduct the evaluation; each “Adherent” or “Certified Shop” is given comments for improvement for enhancing their service quality.

Assessments of “Adherents” and “Certified Shops” include on-site evaluation and mystery shoppers, etc., qualified “Adherents” and “Certified Shops” will be awarded the “Certified Shop” emblem for the next year and are classified into different classes according to their scores. Those with excellent performance will be awarded the ‘Class A’ award. The grading system on “Adherents” and “Certified Shops” helps to ensure quality of the shops and encourages them to further enhance both their services and products.

For enquiry, please call 8988 9315.

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