
Macao Orchestra presents concert “Weekend Music Party – Memory of Youth” in June

Cultural Affairs Bureau
2017-05-31 16:59
  • Concert “Weekend Music Party – Memory of Youth”

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The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, will present the concert “Weekend Music Party – Memory of Youth” on Saturday, 24 June, at 4pm, at the Dom Pedro V Theatre. Tickets are now available at the Macau Ticketing Network.

The concert “Weekend Music Party – Memory of Youth” will present the theme songs and ending songs of popular films and TV shows specially selected by OM, allowing the public to reminisce about old memories of youth and experience the classic characters, dialogues and scores of the films. The concert will feature a number of Chinese and foreignclassic songs, such as Triumph in the Skies, Really love you, Red Sun, Close to You, and Big Big World, among others. These familiar songs will recall the audience the precious and unforgettable memories of their youth.

After the concert, the Macao film Our Seventeen, by local director Emily Chan performed by Pang Veng Sam, Angela Yuen, King Wu, Kyle Li, Mary Ma and Kate Leong, will be screened at the same venue at 7:30pm, recalling the audience memories of youth and the pursuit of music dreams in their youth. Interested parties can join the film appreciation session held on the same day by presenting the ticket of the concert “Weekend Music Party – Memory of Youth”, and spend a wonderful weekend in pursuing their dreams.

Tickets for the concert “Weekend Music Party –Memory of Youth” are priced at MOP120 and MOP100. Ticketing hotline: 2855 5555. For details and enquiries about the programme, please contact OM through tel. no. 2853 0782 or visit Macao Orchestra’s website at www.om-macau.org.

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