
Special Exhibition - Mathinfinity

Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau
2017-05-15 16:56
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As a celebration of the World Telecommunications and Information Society Day and the International Museum Day, visitors will enjoy free entrance at the Communications Museum from May 17 to 21.

The Mathinfinityexhibition will be launched on May 18. We have selected mathematics topics related to our daily life and their corresponding stamps so that visitors can see mathematics from a new different angle.  The content of the exhibition will include ancient counting method, numeral system, prime number, golden ratio, probability, weights and measurements, sequence and series, geometric figures, football, symmetry, fractal, cryptology, mathematics and architecture, mathematics and fine arts, mathematics and nature, protractor, tower of Hanoi, Zhusuan and abacus and eastern and western mathematicians. From the original numerals and practical applications, we can brush up our basic knowledge of mathematics and discover the anecdotes through stories and classical allusions.

The museum will organize interesting programs for theschools and the public. In addition to the guided visit, they can also book the special activities that will be held in different months. The first thematic guided visit “Weights and Measurements” and workshop “Cloths Hangers & Arithmetic” will be held in May, June and July.  Regarding programs for the public, there will be two sessions of family workshops “Piet Cornelies Mondrian’s Geometric Studio” in August. Now, let us begin our fun and interesting journey of mathematics!


To celebrate the International Children’s Day, Communications Museum will have free entrance from June 1 to 4. Special activities including fun and interactive games will be held in the afternoon of June 3. Children are welcomed to join us in celebrating this fun and special day!

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