
Applications for the Cultural Affairs Bureau “Academic Research Grants” open until 31 May

Cultural Affairs Bureau
2017-05-10 16:13
  • Applications for the Cultural Affairs Bureau “Academic Research Grants” open until 31 May

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The application deadline for the “Academic Research Grants”, launched by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym), is 31 May 2017 (Wednesday). Eligible academics may now submit their applications. Late applications will not be considered.

The “Academic Research Grants”, launched by IC annually, aim at encouraging original academic research on the culture of Macao and on the cultural exchange between Macao, Mainland China and other countries. Local or overseas doctorate degree holders with proven academic research experience, and local or overseas researchers with sufficient research experience and recognized academic accomplishment are eligible to apply for the Grants by submitting the duly filled out application form to IC in person or by double registered mail . Applicants must also submit their curriculum vitae, research project plan and certified copies of certificates and academic transcripts.

Applications may be submitted in person at the Cultural Affairs Bureau building, or at the Services Centre of the Macao SAR Government (located at No. 52, Rua Nova da Areia Preta), during office hours (the date of the receipt stamp will be considered as the date of submission). The Cultural Affairs Bureau is open from Monday to Thursday, from 9am to 1pm and 2:30pm to 5:45pm; and on Friday, from 9am to 1pm and 2:30pm to 5:30pm. The Services Centre of the Macao SAR Government is open from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 6pm, including at lunch time. Applications may also be submitted by double registered mail to the following address: Praça do Tap Siac, Edif. do Instituto Cultural, Macao (the date of the postmark will be considered as the date of submission). The following must be written on the envelope: "Application for the Academic Research Grants of the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region Government". The “Academic Research Grants Regulations” and application forms are available for reference and download at IC’s webpage: www.icm.gov.mo. For enquiries, please contact Ms. Silvia Kuan, staff member of IC, through tel. no. 8598 6710, during office hours, or by email to silviak@icm.gov.mo.

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