
NPC Chairman puts forward three suggestions for Macao

Government Information Bureau
2017-05-09 19:01
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Macao should learn from past experiences, forge a solid foundation and foster further progress.

These were the three pieces of advice given by Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), Mr Zhang Dejiang, during a seminar with local representatives from different sectors that was chaired by the Chief Executive, Mr Chui Sai On, at the Macao East Asian Games Dome this morning.

Regarding Macao’s economic development, Mr Zhang said he hoped Macao could make use of advantages such as its strategic positioning, in order to promote the city’s growth and contribute to national development.

Speaking to more than 120 local leaders of the community in attendance at the seminar, the NPC Chairman once again urged people in Macao to bear in mind the development guidelines laid down by President Xi Jinping during his Macao visit in late 2014.

Mr Zhang concluded his remarks with three suggestions regarding the fostering of Macao’s further progress.

Firstly, Macao should learn from its past success in implementing the “One country, two systems” principle, in order to make further and bigger strides in this respect, said Mr Zhang.

Secondly, Macao should ensure a solid and concrete foundation for the “One country, two systems” principle, the implementation of which was at a critical juncture.

He explained that the torch of patriotism should be passed to the younger generations by teaching them more about the nation’s history and culture; patriotic organisations should evolve with changing social needs and embrace new social movements in order to strengthen the force of patriotism; and more efforts should be put into nurturing local talent.

Thirdly, Macao should foster further progress by safeguarding stability, proactively integrating with national development and making full use of its unique advantages.

Mr Zhang noted that more and more countries around the world now wanted to jump onto China’s bandwagon of economic growth. He reassured people in Macao that the Central Government had already reserved a seat for them and that they did not have to wait in line to get a ticket.

He said the Central Government had always attached great importance to Macao’s development and supported Macao’s use of scientific principles in administering its 85 square kilometres of waters.

He added that the Central Government would facilitate the flow of people between Macao and the mainland by streamlining measures regarding Macao visa application by mainland residents.

The NPC Chairman noted the Central Government would do everything in its power to promote Macao’s growth.

For his part, the Chief Executive, Mr Chui Sai On, thanked Mr Zhang for his support for Macao and said that his administration fully abided by the “One country, two systems” principle, as well as the Basic Law of Macao, under the guidance of the Central Government.

Mr Chui pointed out that as Macao is in the process of implementing its first Five-Year Development Plan, it is striving to enhance public governance, promote economic diversification, improve social well-being, foster innovation and entrepreneurship among the younger generations, and continue to safeguard stability.

He added that Macao would further integrate with the mainland and deepen cooperation with it in order to achieve win-win relationships.

Six of the participants also spoke at this morning’s seminar.

Mr Kou Hoi In spoke about Macao’s development of the platform between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, as well as Macao’s cooperation with the mainland.

Ms Lou Tak Wah spoke about regional cooperation and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Mr Si Ka Lon spoke about the rule of law in Macao.

Ms Lei Cheng I, spoke about the role and future development of patriotic organisations in Macao.

Mr Leong Heng Kao spoke about the role played by patriotic organisations in promoting the rule of law.

And lastly Ms Wong Kit Cheng spoke about the cultivation of local talent.

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