
NPC Chairman gains fresh insight on Macao during community visit

Government Information Bureau
2017-05-09 20:41
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The Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), Mr Zhang Dejiang, today received a briefing on the construction progress of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge.

Mr Zhang paid close attention to the briefing, gaining a better understanding on construction progress regarding an artificial island connecting Macao with the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge; as well as on the progress of checkpoint facilities. Mr Zhang also viewed a video that provided a simulation of how those facilities would look once they are completed.

Mr Zhang was taken to the rooftop of the Macau Grand Prix control tower in order to gain a good vantage point to observe the construction of the Bridge.

Macao officials attending the briefing included: the Secretary for Security, Mr Wong Sio Chak; the Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Mr Raimundo Arrais do Rosário; the Commissioner-General of the Unitary Police Service, Mr Ma Io Kun; and the Director-General of the Macao Customs Service, Mr Vong Iao Lek.

Mr Zhang’s community tour included a visit to a family service centre, at Edificio do Lago in Taipa, operated by the Women’s General Association of Macau. At the centre, Mr Zhang was briefed on the overall development of conditions for women in Macao. Mr Zhang also visited a Tai Chi class and a singing class at the centre, where he joined the group in the singing of the “Ode to the Motherland”, a well-known patriotic song.

The NPC Chairman offered a set of audio equipment and a projector as gifts to the centre.

Later in the afternoon, Mr Zhang paid a visit to the Taipa Houses-Museum and viewed there an exhibition of photographs, in order to gain a better understanding of Macanese culture.

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