
NPC Chairman arrives in Macao for a 3-day visit

Government Information Bureau
2017-05-08 18:10
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The Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), Mr Zhang Dejiang, arrived in Macao this morning for an inspection tour, to learn first-hand about the city’s progress.

Speaking to reporters on the tarmac of Macao International Airport, Mr Zhang said that he was in Macao at the behest of President Xi Jinping to see the evolution of Macao, to hear the Macao Government’s work report and to show appreciation for Macao’s achievements.

Mr Zhang, who is also in charge of Hong Kong and Macao affairs, noted that although he had been closely following Macao’s progress in recent years, it was best to see for himself the different aspects of the city’s growth.

During his three-day visit, Mr Zhang would receive – on behalf of the Central Government – a briefing regarding the Macao Government’s progress in delivering the four aspirations stated by President Xi during his Macao visit celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Handover. Mr Zhang would also be briefed about the Macao Government’s efforts in implementing the Central Government’s developmental guidelines for the city and its preferential policies for Macao.

According to the NPC Chairman, he would also listen to the opinions of different sectors in Macao, in order to help foster a better city.

Mr Zhang added that Macao’s achievements in recent years had been no easy feat and deserved recognition.

He went on to urge people in Macao to join hands with the Macao Government to make new strides now that the city was at the crossroads of economic transition.

“Roll up your sleeves and double your efforts,” Mr Zhang told Macao’s people, adding that the Central Government would continue to support the city’s economic and social development.

Mr Zhang recalled that during his first visit to Macao in 2004, his aim had been to promote Pan-Pearl River Delta cooperation, including the Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Cooperation and Development Forum, and he was pleased to see, in particular, the fruits of Guangdong-Macao cooperation.

Mr Zhang’s special flight touched down at Macao International Airport at about 11am today; he was greeted on the tarmac by the Chief Executive, Mr Chui Sai On, and received a floral bouquet from two schoolchildren.

A police band performed at the airport to welcome the NPC Chairman, who was greeted by a cheering crowd of 240 schoolchildren.

Mr Zhang’s delegation included the Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, Mr Wang Guangya; the Director of the Liaison Office of the Central Government in Macao, Mr Wang Zhimin; the Deputy Secretary-General of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Mr Li Fei; and the Deputy Secretary-General of the State Council, Mr Jiang Zelin.

Shortly following his arrival in Macao, Mr Zhang was due to meet the Chief Executive at San Chok Un Guesthouse. In the afternoon, Mr Zhang was due to have a meeting at the Government Headquarters regarding the Macao Government’s work report and to meet at San Chok Un Guesthouse with Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Mr Ho Hau Wah.

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