
Macao Orchestra presents the concert “The Future of Classical Music” at the University of Macau

Cultural Affairs Bureau
2017-05-11 11:54
  • Assistant Conductor Francis Kan

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The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym) under the auspices ofthe Cultural Affairs Bureau, under the baton of the Orchestra’s Assistant Conductor Francis Kan, will join hands with local musicians to present the concert “The Future of Classical Music” on Saturday, 13 May, at 8pm, at the University Hall of the University of Macau. Admission is free.

The OM provides a performance platform for young musicians to fulfil their dreams. Every year, OM performs jointly with young music students and music lovers, allowing them to showcase their talent. Under the baton ofconductor Francis Kan, this year OM will present Vltava from Vlast by Smetana, Pavane by Fauré, Holberg Suite by Grieg and Romanian Rhapsody No. 1 by Enescu. The programme of the concert fully demonstrates the strength of the musicians. Performing groups also include The University of Macau String Orchestra, The University of Macau Symphonic Band, Macau Strings Association, Macau Band Directors Association, The Student Philharmonic Orchestra of the Macao Conservatory, students of the Bachelor of Arts in Music course from the Macao Polytechnic Institute and two local young music talents, Chan Hoi Kei and Elisa Chon Teng.

Admission to the concert “The Future of Classical Music” is free. A limited number of tickets is still available. Interested parties can reserve tickets through tel. no. 2853 0782 during office hours. For programme enquiries, please visit the Macao Orchestra’s website at www.icm.gov.mo/om.

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