
Results of the Illustration Contest of International Museum day of Macao, 2017

Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau
2017-04-19 17:55
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In the Illustration Contest, organized by the CommunicationsMuseum and Maritime Museum, a total of 234 pieces of creative works were received. The list of winners is as follows:

Children Group

1st prize: Hou Kong Middle School, Primary Section – Leong Chi Neng. Supervisor: Leong Hong Si

2nd prize: Colégio Dom Bosco (Yuet Wah) - Lee Hoi Him. Supervisora: Chan Ieng Wai

3rd prize: Colégio Dom Bosco (Yuet Wah) - Ho Pak Hei. Supervisora: Chan Ieng Wai

Appreciation Awards:

Fong Chong School of Macau - Hon Weng Kei. Supervisora: Lei Sao I

Fong Chong School of Macau - Ieong I Cheng. Supervisora: Lei Sao I

Fong Chong School of Macau - Cai Jia Ye. Supervisora: Lei Sao I

Youth Group

1st prize: ShengKung Hui Choi Kou School (Macau) – Wan Chi Ieng. Supervisor: Lam Kong Ieng

2nd prize: Our Lady of Fatima Girls’ School – Fong Weng Mui. Supervisor: Fan In Kuan

3rd prize: Our Lady of Fatima Girls’ School – Lo Chi Ling. Supervisor: Fan In Kuan

Appreciation Awards:

Xinhua School – Wang Ru Yin. Supervisor: Loi Wai Kin

Tong NamSchool – Wong I Man. Supervisor: Leong Sok Wa

Santa Rosa de Lima College, Chinese Section – Chao Wun Lam. Supervisor: Chao Kuok Kuong

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