
Macao registered over 420,000 visitor arrivals during four-day Easter holidays A year-on-year surge of 5.6%

Macao Government Tourism Office
2017-04-18 19:06
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According to the figures provided by the Public Security Police Force, Macao registered a total of 427,000 visitor arrivals (excluding non-resident workers and students) during the four-day Easter holidays (14 – 17 April), marking an increase of 5.6% compared with the last Easter holidays in 2016. Total visitor arrivals from the Greater China markets increased by 5.1% to a record of 384,000. The percentage of growth was recorded as 6.5% and 4.1% for the Mainland and Hong Kong markets, whereas Taiwanese visitor arrivals in Macao dropped by 10.3%. For visitor arrivals from the other markets, a double-digit growth of 10.9% was recorded.

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