PPRD recognizes MIECF´s efficacy in helping enterprises “going global”
Macao International Environmental Co-operation Forum and Exhibition
2016-04-03 23:27
  • MIECF has become a green platform for the PPRD to link with the world market

  • Mr. Huang Min, CEO of Guangxi Hong Sheng Yuan Environmental Protection Science Technology Co., Ltd.

  • Mr. Zhou Wenlin, Deputy General Manager of Xing Rong Group

  • Mr. Fu Taiping, CEO of Quanzhou Tianlong Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd.,

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Since its inception in 2008, the Pan-Pearl River Delta Region (*9+1*) has always given its strong support to the Macao International Environmental Co-operation Forum and Exhibition (MIECF) by jointly promoting the development of the convention and exhibition industry, so that MIECF could gradually become a branded environmental activity in the Pan-Pearl River Delta Region (PPRD). Exhibitors at this edition of the MIECF, coming from PPRD, recognize that MIECF is a highly effective green development platform in helping enterprises to “go global”.

The 13th 5-Year Plan of the People´s Republic of China has proposed to support Macao in building a world-class tourism and leisure centre and services platform for trade and economic co-operation between China and the Portuguese-speaking Countries, and actively developing MICE and trade, so as to promote the diversification and sustainable development of local economy. In the meantime, Macao SAR Government is also making efforts in building “One Centre, One Platform”. Environmental protection has always been a focal point in the SAR Government´s policy, and relevant supporting work has already been launched, aiming to build a low-carbon city and to promote the sustainable development of the environmental industry. The MIECF, being held on a yearly basis, has made great contributions in this regard, such as information and technology exchange and so on.

In order to align perfectly with the “Guiding Opinions on Deepening Regional Cooperation in the Pan-Pearl River Delta”, promulgated recently by the State Council of the People´s Republic of China, and to deepen regional co-operation in the PPRD, given its geographical position in the core area of co-operation between Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao, this year’s MIECF continues to count on a strong support from the PPRD governments and relevant entities, with the participation of 215 related exhibitors.

Fujian Enterprise: Successfully reached co-operation agreements with Dutch and Italian environmental companies

Mr. Fu Taiping, CEO of Quanzhou Tianlong Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd., said that his trip to Macao and participation in MIECF have been very satisfactory. His company is engaged in refinery and large-scale shipbuilding and container business in Mainland China for over 25 years. He disclosed that through his company´s participation in the MIECF, he has contacted many merchants, including European environmental enterprises. In addition, his company has also reached co-operation agreements with Dutch and Italian companies. He agrees that MIECF has been a great help in developing the company´s business and hopes that next year he could again participate in the event.

Guangdong Province: MIECF´s efficacy has been well recognized

The Deputy Secretary-General of the Association of Environmental Protection Industry of Guangdong Province, Mr. Ou Jun, said that in this edition of MIECF, Guangdong Province has set-up a 300-square metre stand. He mentioned that, among the provinces and regions in the PPRD, Guangdong Province and Macao maintain the closest relationship, either in terms of economic development or of geographical location. Therefore, Guangdong Province has always supported Macao in building an important green platform for the PPRD Region. Taking the opportunity of Guangdong participation in the MIECF, he organized a delegation of the Environmental Protection Bureau of Guangdong Province, the Economic and Information Commission of Guangdong Province, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Guangdong Branch, and the Federation of Industry and Commerce of Guangdong Province to travel to Macao for study visit and exchange. Summarizing the three-day event, Mr. Ou Jun stressed that some results have been achieved, particularly in the exchange of environmental technology, green matching and negotiations and new cooperation intentions. He hopes that the MIECF exhibition venue could be enlarged, so as to attract more exhibitors.

Guangxi enterprise: Successfully introduced products to overseas clients through MIECF

Guangxi Hong Sheng Yuan Environmental Protection Science Technology Co., Ltd. has been accompanying the growth of MIECF since 2008. The Chairman of Hong Sheng Yuan, Mr. Huang Min, said that through MIECF, his company has been appreciated by a United States and products have already been launched to the market and received very positive feedback. He added that, when joining the first edition of MIECF, the company´s annual turnover was only 30 million RMB, and that last year the turnover increased to 300 million RMB. He pointed out that MIECF´s efficacy is indeed spectacular. He hopes that MIECF could improve year after year, so that the environmental industry could make the best use of this green platform to conduct exchange and co-operation.

Sichuan enterprise: MIECF helps enterprises to extend international environmental perspective

This edition of the MIECF has attracted the participation of many large-scale enterprises, including the Xing Rong Group, a prime water supply and sewage treatment enterprise in Sichuan. The Deputy General Manager of the enterprise, Mr. Zhou Wenlin, said that, in addition to water supply and sewage treatment, it has also developed waste treatment business, including garbage power plants and hazardous waste disposal centre. While providing construction and technical support, the company also provides management services, to ensure smooth operation of the facilities at the location where they are installed. The company´s participation in MIECF is to better understand the actual situation of Macao, and to follow-up on the latest environmental development around the world, as this could help to extend the company´s international market perspective.

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