
Tender invitation for LRT depot in second quarter of 2016

Government Information Bureau
2015-11-20 12:50
  • Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Mr Raimundo do Rosário, meets the press.

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The Government expects to invite tenders for the construction of the light rail transit depot in the second quarter next year, said the Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Mr Raimundo do Rosário.

The Secretary told reporters on 19 November that he would disclose further details of a cancellation agreement reached between the Government and the current contractor on the depot project, when he introduces his portfolio’s policy programme for 2016 at the Legislative Assembly on 9 and 10 December.

Mr Rosário also briefed reporters regarding the construction of the Islands District Medical Complex, which will have seven buildings in total. Construction has began on the foundations for two of the buildings. Foundation work for a further two might be initiated this year or early next year, he said.

Regarding a proposal for a fourth cross-harbour passage between Macao and Taipa, the Secretary said his team would disclose more information later; including data supporting the case for a bridge rather than for an alternative structure.

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