
Support Centre for Wealth Partaking Scheme 2015
Operated until 30 September

Financial Services Bureau
2015-09-30 15:14
The Youtube video is unavailable

The distribution work of 2015 Wealth Partaking Scheme had basically finished on 30 September this year. In the course of implementation, 182,532 beneficiaries had received the cash premium by means of bank transfer, accounting for MOP$ 1,608,883,200, while 482,856 crossed cheques had been mailed, which summed up to MOP$ 4,160,613,600. Until the present time, 395,223 cheques were withdrawn, representing 81.9% of the total number of cheques written out.

In line with the scheme, a Support Centre for Wealth Partaking Disbursement entered into service on 6 July to cater for enquiries and deal with procedures related to the cash disbursement. As of 30 September, some 25,620 enquiries had been handled, with the majority of which being personal visit, summing up to 16,352 enquiries, around 63.8% of the total. The second most popular channel was telephone enquiry, which stands for 9,065 or 35.4% enquiries. Personal visits to the Centre were mainly for re-issuance of cheques, which totalled 4,053 cases.

The Support Centre operated until 30 September. Residents can still go to the Service Centre of Civil and Municipal Affairs Bureau located in Avenida da Praia Grande, China Plaza, 2/F for assistance regarding procedures associated with the Wealth Partaking Scheme of present and previous years. The opening hours of this Service Centre are from 9am to 6pm straight, Monday to Friday, except public holidays. Telephone enquiries are available at 8795 2675 and 8795 2676. The service hotline 2822 5000, fax 2822 3000 as well as the official website of Wealth Partaking Scheme http://www.planocp.gov.mo will be retained to provide relevant information.

Support Centre for Wealth Partaking Disbursement

Number of cases received

(From 6 July to 30 September 2015)

*Annex Table

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