“Macao Fuel Price Information Platform” mobile app developed by Macao Consumer Council provides the real time prices and the price discrepancies of various kinds of fuels. The app enhances the transparency of fuel prices and the Council recommends consumers to make good use of the information in the app to save money on fuel costs.
The Council suggests consumers to make good use of the time lags for the price adjustments of various petrol brands
The Council released its “Macao Fuel Price Information Platform” mobile app in April 2015 and requested the fuel suppliers and retailers to provide the Council with timely information for any price adjustment. Consumers can download the app to get the relevant news timely, or even earlier, by receiving the push notifications.
As fuel suppliers and retailers have changed their strategies and do not adjust prices simultaneously, the information on price changes of various fuels brands found in the app becomes significant. For the first eight months of this year, the Council has recorded 18 times where various brands of diesel have not adjusted their prices on the same day; and 17 times were recorded for unleaded petrol accordingly. The number of days where retail prices of various diesel brands differed were within 1 to 7 days, while for unleaded petrol, the number of days differed were within 1 to 8 days. The Council states that consumers should utilize the information of the app, and make good use of the time lags for the price adjustments of various petrol brands to purchase petrol at the lowest price.
Price differences of household LPG widen
The app also provides prices and relevant information on household LPG and help consumers save money on fuel costs.
The app provides the latest retail prices of household LPG for 40 retailers and the data found in the app shows that price differences of various household LPG widen consistently. The price differed from $2.79/kg in the beginning of the year to $3.90/kg in August, with a price discrepancy of around 30% in the first three quarters.
The Council states if a family makes its choice with reference to the price discrepancy found, it can save around $360 each year, based on a monthly consumption of 2 tanks of 13.5kg household LPG.
The Council stresses that the quality of LPG sold in Macao is under strict supervision of the competent departments, and therefore the quality is assured even if there is a price gap.
QR code labels of the app are widely posted for consumers to scan
The Council encourages consumers to make good use of the app and the push notifications sent to get the real time prices of various kinds of fuels. Consumers can simply make comparisons using the functions of the app and find the best price.
Consumers are welcome to download the “Macao Fuel Prices Information Platform'’ app for free on the Council's website, or by scanning the QR code labels of the app posted in the service centres of various government departments.
As petrol and LPG are important commodities, the Council urges the fuel suppliers to take their corporate social responsibility and cooperate with the Council and other relevant government departments to ensure consumers’ right to information and choice in the fuel market.
For inquiry, please call 89889315.