
“Secure Electronic Postal Box – SEPBox” Mascot Design Competition

Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau
2015-05-19 12:06
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Macao Post organizes the “Secure Electronic Postal Box – SEPBox” Mascot Design Competition to encourage participants’ creativity to design a Mascot which can express the functions and high-tech professional image of SEPBox. The main functions of SEPBox enable recipients to receive, electronically and securely, government notifications, Postal Registered electronic Mail, electronic bills and eDirect Mail (eDM), avoiding junk mail and electronic virus.

There are General Group and Secondary Group in the “Secure Electronic Postal Box – SEPBox” Mascot Design Competition. Macao Post welcomes participants to either hand-paint or create computer graphic to design the mascot for the “Secure Electronic Postal Box – SEPBox”. Participants are free to create and imagine, but the entry theme shall be the functions of SEPBox. The deadline of submission is 17:45 of 18th August, 2015. There are three winners in each group respectively: champion, 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up. Winners will be awarded certificate and rich prize. The champion of the General Group will receive cash prize of MOP 8,000, 1st runner-up will receive MOP 5,000 and 2nd runner-up will receive MOP 3,000. While champion of the Secondary Group will receive cash prize of MOP 5,000, 1st runner-up will receive MOP 3,000 and 2nd runner-up will receive MOP 2,000. Winning entries will have the opportunity to be selected and made as the ambassador or promotional materials of SEPBox by Macao Post.

For regulation and application form download of the “Secure Electronic Postal Box – SEPBox” Mascot Design Competition, please visit our website http://seps.macaupost.gov.mo/mascot. For enquiries, please contact us at Tel: 8396 8504 or email us at: ns@macaupost.gov.mo.

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