
IPIM attended AFECA´s Advisory Council Meeting in Seoul

Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute
2015-05-05 17:51
  • President Jackson Chang ‘s participation in AFECA´s Advisory Council Meeting

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Mr. Jackson Chang, President of Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM) has been invited as Advisor to the Asian Federation of Exhibition & Convention Associations (AFECA) in 2013 and attended AFECA´s Advisory Council Meeting on April 28-30 in Seoul, at the invitation of the said organization.

AFECA was founded in 2005 at the initiative of the convention and exhibition associations of some of the Asian cities, regions and countries, namely, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and etc., being a non-government organization aiming to build a cooperation and exchange platform for the convention and exhibition industry in Asia, focusing on education and training, promotion of exchanges and cooperation among its members and to push for the sustainable development of Asia´s MICE industry. Macao Convention & Exhibition Association (MCEA) is a member of AFECA.

Mr. Jackson Chang, President of IPIM, participated in the above-mentioned activity to exchange opinion with the leaders and elites of the convention and exhibition industry in Asia, and also took the opportunity to introduce the advantages of Macao as a convention and exhibition destination, as well as the “One-Stop-Service” for MICE Bidding and Support in Macao provided by IPIM.

At the meeting, AFECA´s President, Mr. Walter Yeh announced that the first edition of AEC Plus MICE Expo, organized by AFECA, would take place in Kuala Lumpur, in November this year. Concurrent event will include a “Youth Enterprise Development Workshop”. Besides, Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) will also organize an “Asian MICE Forum” in September this year, which will include, as a concurrent event, the “Asian MICE Young Generation Forum”. Mr. Jackson Chang, President of IPIM, said that the above activities bring together Asia´s MICE industry and will benefit and enhance contacts and communication. Besides, we could avail of these opportunities to promote the advantages of Macao´s conventions and exhibitions, and stimulate cooperation and exchange among Macao and Asia´s young entrepreneurs. IPIM will actively study the possibility of organizing delegations to participate in these events, he said. President Chang also stressed Macao Government´s active participation in regional cooperation, in line with the “One Belt, One Road” national policy, by strengthening trade and economic cooperation with the ASEAN member states.

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