
Wildlife birds “caught” in “MSAR News”

Government Information Bureau
2015-04-24 14:48
  • “A joyous scene in spring”

  • “A joyous scene in spring”

The Youtube video is unavailable

The latest collection of photographs, on wild birds, is now available at the Government Information Bureau’s news application “MSAR News”.

“A joyous scene in spring”, the collection of ten photographs is aimed at raising the awareness of wildlife conservation and environment protection in Macao.

The Bureau’s photographer Ho Kuok Wai set camera gear in Guia Hill, Mount Fortress and Coloane, shooting the beauty and elegance of sunbirds, leiothrix, and starling in the fine spring.

Other 141 sets covering a wide range of photos, showing the city’s special landscape and unforgettable moments from new and historic buildings, social characteristics and features, seasonal and festive activities, can be viewed in the app.

It also offers various real-time news, government information, pictures and information on local weather. Besides the “Gallery” section, it has “News”, “News Features”, “Hot News”, and “Hot News Photos”. Under the “News” section, 13 categories are available for users to subscribe to.

“MSAR News” is available for both iOS (Version 5.1 or above) and Android (Version 4.0 or above) systems. It can be downloaded by searching its name in App Store and Google Play.

To get the latest official news, please subscribe the Government Information Bureau’s Telegram News Channel at https://t.me/macaogcsEN.
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