
Three more IFT’s bachelor degree programmes are granted
the UNWTO.Tedqual Certificates

Macao University of Tourism
2015-04-23 12:20
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Three more IFT’s bachelor degree programmes are granted the prestigious UNWTO.TedQual Certificates for a time period of 4 years until March 2019. The programmes include: Tourism Retail and Marketing Management, Hotel Management - Evening Programme and Tourism Event Management - Evening Programme. The two evening programmes adopt Chinese as the teaching medium, with almost the same outline and content as the daytime programmes, and they produced their first batch of graduates to serve the industry in 2014.

IFT is the first United Nations World Tourism Organization UNWTO.TedQual institution in tourism education in 2000, and the institute has constantly and successfully to renewal the Certificates every few years. Currently, IFT has 7 bachelor degrees certified by UNWTO Tedqual Certification, leading IFT to be one of the institutions with the most accredited bachelor degree programmes in the world.

The Certification recognises the global standards of quality education and training in tourism that IFT has reached. However, it is not granted indefinitely, being subject to regular reviews to guarantee that the quality standards are maintained. Since 2000, several reviews were carried out, and it proves IFT’s quality standards are upheld by receiving the renewal certificates within these 15 years.

IFT is the only higher education institution in Macao exclusively devoted to tourism and hospitality education. The Institute offers the largest selection of tourism and hospitality-related bachelor programmes in Macao, plus executive development courses and professional training. IFT has strong links with leading hotel and hospitality businesses in Macao and globally. The students can perform their internship in over 500 companies and organisations worldwide. Links have been established with over 85 organisations in 27 countries and regions. The international environment and specialised facilities on campus have provided the students the best environment to gain theory knowledge and practical skills by which to fulfill the requirement to take up the management positions in the industry.

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