
Results of the service sector survey 2013 (real estate management services, security services, cleaning services,
advertising, and conference & exhibition organising services)

Statistics and Census Service
2014-10-22 12:04
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Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that a total of 199 establishments were engaging in Real Estate Management Services in 2013, an increase of 3 year-on-year; number of persons engaged rose by 1% to 5,253. Receipts totalled MOP 1.05 billion, up by 7% year-on-year. Expenditure increased 7% to MOP 893 million, of which Compensation of Employees (MOP 449 million) and Operating Expenses (MOP 366 million) grew by 8% and 3% respectively. Gross Value Added that measures the sectoral contribution to the economy amounted to MOP 606 million, up by 8% year-on-year. Gross Fixed Capital Formation tumbled by 66% to MOP 2 million due to a decrease in acquisition of machinery & equipment and motor vehicles.

There were 23 establishments operating in Security Services, up by 3 compared with 2012; number of persons engaged increased by 8% to 5,438. Receipts amounted to MOP 822 million, up by 12% year-on-year. Expenditure went up by 15% to MOP 754 million, with Compensation of Employees (MOP 656 million) rising by 17% to account for 87% of the total. Gross Value Added increased by 13% year-on-year to MOP 724 million. Gross Fixed Capital Formation surged by 83% to MOP 4 million on account of an increase in acquisition of motor vehicles and computer equipment.

Despite a decrease of 1 establishment operating in Cleaning Services (113), number of persons engaged increased by 5% year-on-year to 4,611 owing to the expansion of the large establishments. Receipts increased by 7% year-on-year, at MOP 517 million. Expenditure rose by 12% to MOP 450 million, with 82% being spent on Compensation of Employees. Gross Value Added totalled MOP 435 million, up by 7% year-on-year. Gross Fixed Capital Formation decreased significantly by 62% to MOP 3 million due to a decline in acquisition of motor vehicles and computer equipment.

Number of establishments in Advertising Services increased substantially by 63 year-on-year to 421; number of persons engaged rose by 20% to 1,167. Receipts (MOP 559 million) and Expenditure (MOP 529 million) registered remarkable growth of 40% and 54% respectively. Receipts came primarily from Advertising Services, at MOP 410 million (73% of total), up significantly by 46%. Expenditure was mainly incurred on Purchase of Goods & Services (MOP 301 million), sharing 57% of the total. Gross Value Added totalled MOP 148 million, up by 4% year-on-year; Gross Fixed Capital Formation increased by 6% to MOP 36 million.

A total of 38 establishments were operating in Conference & Exhibition Organising Services, up by 5 year-on-year; number of persons engaged increased by 37% to 178. Receipts rose by 13% year-on-year to MOP 232 million, coming mainly from Conference & Exhibition Organising Services (MOP 204 million). Expenditure went up by 14% to MOP 179 million, of which expenses on Purchase of Goods & Services amounted to MOP 136 million (76% of total), up by 30% year-on-year. Gross Value Added increased by 8% year-on-year to MOP 78 million. On the other hand, Gross Fixed Capital Formation (MOP 1 million) registered a notable decline of 49% owing to a decrease in acquisition of equipment.

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