Pre-event activities of the 10th PPRD Forum officially launched
Government Information Bureau
2014-05-26 22:30
  • Panel Discussion on the Economic Environment of Portuguese Speaking Countries held in Macao.

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The Secretary of Economy and Finance, Mr Tam Pak Yuen, today officiated the Panel Discussion on the Economic Environment of Portuguese Speaking Countries held in Macao.

The panel discussion, which marked the kick-off of pre-event activities for the 10th Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Co-operation and Development Forum (PPRD Forum), was jointly organised by the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM) and the Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province.

The 10th PPRD Forum and Economic and Trade Fair, co-organised by Guangdong province, Hong Kong and Macao, will be held on 13-14 October in Guangzhou. Macao is responsible mainly for organising the High-level Forum and related events.

Chief Executive Chui Sai On is giving this event his personal attention and has instructed departments concerned to render full support and devote themselves to the preparation work to ensure smooth progress of the activities.

Building on the co-ordinated progress in the overall preparation work, the Government has set up an organising committee, preparatory committee and seven working groups, corresponding to the organisational structure of the PPRD Forum.

To start planning and co-ordination as soon as possible, the Director of Chief Executive's Office and Secretary General of the Executive Committee of the 10th PPRD Forum, Mr Tam Chon Weng, chaired the first meeting on Macao’s preparation work for the forum at the multi-function conference hall of Government Headquarters on 17 April, with the attendance of persons-in-charge from all related government departments.

All working groups have already begun their planned preparation work and are making good progress, adhering to the requirements of the PPRD Forum Preparatory Committee.

The working groups and the relevant departments would continue to closely co-operate and dedicate every effort to fulfilling their missions.

The 10th PPRD Forum is divided into two phases, namely the pre-event activities and the Forum.

Pre-event activities include a panel discussion, business matching and celebration of the 10th anniversary of the PPRD Forum.

The Forum includes the opening ceremony of the 10th PPRD Forum, an exhibition of achievements on the 10th anniversary of the forum, the High-level Forum, a joint conference of chief executives, top management meetings, and project presentation and promotion by individual PPRD provinces.

The Panel Discussion on the Economic Environment of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (PSCs) is the first meeting among the pre-event activities this year. During the panel discussion, the participating “9+2” provincial and regional trade and commerce departments will discuss perspectives on economic and trade cooperation between the Pan-Pearl River Delta region and PSCs to enhance strengths and complementary use of resources.

As member of the “9+2”, Macao plays the active role of an economic and trade co-operation platform between PPRD and PSCs. In-depth discussions are conducted on topics such as how to seize the opportunities brought by the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) and jointly explore PSCs markets with Mainland enterprises.

During the panel discussion, the “9+2” provincial and regional trade and commerce departments signed the Memorandum on the Framework of Enhancing Comprehensive Strategic Co-operation and Promoting PPRD and PSCs Trade and Economic Co-operation.

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