
Chief Executive in Shenzhen for bilateral talks

Government Information Bureau
2013-01-07 22:24
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The Chief Executive, Mr Chui Sai On, met today with the Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Shenzhen Municipal Committee, Mr Wang Rong, to discuss bilateral co-operation in education, creative industry, healthcare and inspection.

The meeting took place in Shenzhen ahead of tomorrow’s Shenzhen-Macao Co-operation Meeting to be held by officials from Macao and Shenzhen.

In the meeting, Mr Chui said that Macao made certain progress in propelling its economy, improving livelihood of the people and maintaining social stability. He attributed these developments to the support of the Central Government and various Mainland provinces and cities, including Shenzhen.

He said Macao had in the past year made good progress in co-operation with various Mainland provinces in areas such as healthcare, creative industry, education and trade.

He believed that the hosting of Shenzhen-Macao Co-operation Meeting would enhance co-operation between them and set up new targets, he said.

Mr Chui also said that linking the services between Nansha, Qianhai and Hengqin would be more beneficial for co-operation among Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao.

Mr Wang briefed Mr Chui on economic development of Shenzhen in the past year and highlighted that the Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Mr Xi Jinping had, on his visit last year, asked for deepened reform and opening-up of Shenzhen and strengthened co-operation in trade and economy with Macao.

Mr Wang said Shenzhen and Macao should strengthen their co-operation in the medical and creative industries as well as in other areas. He also said he believed that when Shenzhen cultivate Qianhai, it could learn from Macao’s experience in tourism industry.

The meeting between Mr Chui and Mr Wang was preceded by a visit to an industrial zone at Qianhai and a tourist complex. After the meeting, Mr Wang hosted a welcome banquet for Mr Chui.

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