
Energy Statistics for the 1st Quarter 2012

Statistics and Census Service
2012-05-29 15:17
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Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that consumption of Electricity decreased by 9.6% over the previous quarter to 821 million kWh in the first quarter of 2012. Consumption of Electricity by the Business sector (78.7% of total) dropped by 7.4% to 646 million kWh, with that of the Gaming sector falling by 7.7%; consumption by Households went down by 18.3% to 138 million kWh. Imports of Electricity decreased by 10.6% quarter-to-quarter to 747 million kWh in the first quarter, accounting for 88.2% of the available supply; meanwhile, local generation of Electricity rose by 6.0% to 110 million kWh.

In the first quarter of 2012, consumption of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) increased by 16.3% quarter-to-quarter to 12,746 tonnes, of which consumption by the Business sector and Households, increased by 14.8% and 20.2% respectively, sharing 67.1% and 31.1% of the total. Meanwhile, imports of LPG increased by 19.1% from the previous quarter to 12,444 tonnes, with the average price of imports rising by 13.2% to MOP9.59 per kilogram.

The average price of all types of fuels and LPG products increased from the fourth quarter of 2011, with that of Unleaded Gasoline (MOP12.58 per litre) and Bottled LPG (MOP15.40 per kilogram) rising by 10.7% and 15.4% respectively quarter-to-quarter.

At the end of the first quarter of 2012, stock of Gas Oil & Diesel (18.32 million litres) and LPG (1,540 tonnes) decreased by 16.1% and 12.6% respectively quarter-to-quarter.

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