
CE in Beijing for first China Beijing International Fair for Trade in Services

Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute
2012-05-26 18:48
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The Chief Executive, Mr Chui Sai On, left today for Beijing to attend the first China Beijing International Fair for Trade in Services, which opens on Monday (28 May).

Before his departure at the Macao International Airport, reporters asked if he would discuss with the Central Government the proposed 24-hour customs clearance at the boundary checkpoints.

Mr Chui told them that according to the Framework Agreement on Co-operation between Guangdong and Macao signed last year, which included the “Hierarchical management” at Hengqin Border Checkpoints and convenient border crossing, the Guangdong and Macao governments would make efforts to secure authorization from the Central Government to extend customs clearance operating hours and eventually achieve round-the-clock operation.

He said that the two governments were also planning to build a new passage and would present the proposal to the Central Government as soon as possible.

Mr Chui also said that during his stay in Beijing, he will meet with officials from the Ministry of Commerce to exchange views on broadening the sources of supply, methods to further promote CEPA, and the importation of domestic helpers from the mainland.

When the media asked about the land in the recent case involving the former Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Mr Ao Man Long, Mr Chui stressed that Macao Government would act according to the law and would not interfere with the judicial process.

Since Ao’s case 2006 December, the SAR Government has executed the court’s judgment, which included land concession, franchises, restriction on the height of buildings. He said the Government also retrieved land through administrative process.

He said that the Court of Final Appeal would soon have a final decision on the land grant in this case and the Government would only carry out its ruling.

After visiting Beijing, Mr Chui would proceed to Sichuan on the afternoon of 28 May where he and his delegation will attend the festivities to celebrate the completion of the multi-functional stadium sponsored by the Macao Government.

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