
IAM introduces revitalisation plan of Taipa Market to consultative organisations and industry groups

Municipal Affairs Bureau
2025-03-21 12:02
  • IAM introduces revitalisation plan of Taipa Market to consultative organisations and industry groups

  • IAM introduces revitalisation plan of Taipa Market to consultative organisations and industry groups

  • IAM introduces revitalisation plan of Taipa Market to consultative organisations and industry groups

  • IAM introduces revitalisation plan of Taipa Market to consultative organisations and industry groups

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With the upcoming plan to be launched by the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) to revitalise the Taipa Market, multiple seminars have been organised successively to introduce the plan to the representatives of the Consultative Committee on Municipal Affairs, the Islands District Community Service Consultative Council, neighbourhood associations in the district, food and beverage sector, industry and commerce sector, youth associations, cultural and creative sector, and listened to the participants’ opinions on the development and positioning and space planning of the Taipa Market, business environment in the community and public tender details. The participants generally agreed to the positioning and development plan centring “culture and creativity + gastronomy”, in hope that the revitalisation plan will imbue the traditional market with new vigour.

Given the advantage of its location in a popular tourist area, IAM hopes to organically integrate the Taipa Market with the Old Taipa Village business district in terms of people’s livelihood, community functions and cultural and tourism elements, and make the best of public spaces and community resources for complementary development. While retaining the basic functions of the traditional market, the plan to revitalise the Taipa Market puts forward the idea of adding the elements of “gastronomy + culture and creativity” to provide a business platform that meets the needs of the members of the public who intend to enter the cultural, creative or specialty food sectors, so as to jointly promote the transformation of the traditional market.

Participants at the seminars generally agreed to the positioning and development direction of “gastronomy + culture and creativity” for the Taipa Market, and voiced their opinions actively on the revitalisation and management of the space, business environment and complementary facilities in the community, criteria and scoring details for the tender of stalls, future supporting and exit mechanisms, etc. They also had in-depth discussions with IAM representatives. The latter will give the opinions full consideration, carry out feasibility analysis and enrich the revitalisation plan of the Taipa Market.    

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