
UM students win award in Huawei ICT Competition Asia-Pacific Regional Final

University of Macau
2025-03-18 17:48
  • The UM team receives the second prize in the Computing Track

  • The Huawei ICT Competition Asia-Pacific Regional Final

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A student team from the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) of the University of Macau (UM) represented Macao in the Asia-Pacific Regional Final of the Huawei ICT Competition 2024-2025 and won the second prize in the Computing Track. The competition attracted over 8,000 students from more than 20 countries and regions worldwide. After rounds of competition, over 110 students from 12 countries and regions advanced to the Asia-Pacific Regional Final, and the UM team stood out for their exceptional performance.

The team comprised Tan Hongye, Lei Wai Hong, and Ho Ka Meng, students from the Department of Computer and Information Science of FST. They received high praise from the judges with their exceptional teamwork, solid professional knowledge, and strategic planning. This is also the first time that a team from UM has won an award in the computing track in the Asia-Pacific Regional Final of the competition. The student team will continue to represent Macao in the Global Final in Shenzhen in May, where they will compete against top teams from around the world.

FST is committed to providing students with cutting-edge academic knowledge and practical opportunities, encouraging them to participate in international competitions to enhance their global competitiveness. The award not only recognises the students’ professional skills but also highlights FST’s long-standing dedication to teaching quality and nurturing innovative talent. The faculty will continue to enhance its teaching quality and nurture more outstanding talent with international competitiveness, thereby contributing to the technological development of Macao and beyond.

The Huawei ICT Competition, jointly organised by Huawei and the ASEAN Foundation, aims to enhance students’ knowledge and practical skills in information and communication technology, and develop their innovation and creativity in using new technologies and platforms. Last year, a student team from FST won the second prize in the Practice Competition–Cloud Track in the Huawei ICT Competition 2023-2024 Global Final.

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