
Call for papers for the Review of Culture: Macao as a “Culture City of East Asia 2025”

Cultural Affairs Bureau
2025-03-07 17:09
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Macao has been selected as a “Culture City of East Asia 2025”, and the Government will launch a programme of activities this year under the theme “East–West Encounter, Asia in Harmony” to showcase the unique cultural appeal of the city. To explore, in a greater depth, the historical and cultural significance of the city as an important node along the Maritime Silk Road, the Review of Culture (RC) is now launching a call for papers related to the theme by academics and specialists, at national and international level.

The focus of this call for papers is centred in the historical and cultural research related to the topic “Culture City of East Asia 2025 – Macao, China” including, but not limited to, the historical and cultural ties between Macao and the several East Asian countries, Macao’s role and contributions to cultural exchanges within the region, and the distinct East Asian characteristics embedded in Macao’s multicultural heritage.

Manuscripts can be written in Portuguese, English or Chinese and should be submitted to cms.rc@um.edu.mo by 30 April 2025. Papers accepted following an anonymous review process are anticipated to be published in RC in 2025. For submission guidelines and formatting requirements, please visit www.icm.gov.mo/rc, or contact the editorial office via email at cms.rc@um.edu.mo.

Founded in 1987 and published by the Cultural Affairs Bureau, RC is an academic journal and has been edited by the Centre for Macau Studies, University of Macau since 2018. The journal provides both Chinese and International editions, specifically aimed at promoting research in Macao’s history and culture. It is noteworthy that the Chinese edition of RC has been included as a source journal of the Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI), underscoring its substantial academic influence.

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