The Commissioner Against Corruption Ao Ieong Seong, the Deputy Commissioner cum Director of the Anti-Corruption Bureau Wong Kim Fong, as well as other CCAC staff, participated in the 14th General Meeting of the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA) by videoconference this afternoon.
At the meeting, the participants reviewed the work done by the IAACA in 2024, approved the accession of some new members and elected the members in the new term of the Executive Committee according to the constitution of the IAACA. In addition, the work objectives for 2025 were set, which included strengthening the cooperation with international organisations, promoting sharing of experiences in corruption fighting among the members and organising a series of training courses and online thematic seminars, among other objectives.
Established in Beijing in 2006, the IAACA is an important platform for experience sharing and exchange among anti-corruption institutions from different countries and regions. One of the objectives of the IAACA is to promote and take forward the effective implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption and to strengthen international cooperation among different anti-corruption institutions in combating crimes of corruption.