
The Belt and Road

Cultural Affairs Bureau successfully holds four lectures of “The Belt and Road Cultural Talk Series”

Cultural Affairs Bureau
2024-09-10 18:38
  • The Splendid Arts of Dunhuang Grottoes

  • Arts and Immortality: Mural Paintings in Queen Nefertari’s Tomb

  • Russian Fine Arts and Art of Mural Paintings

  • Sogdiana, its mural paintings and religious art: A forgotten civilization from pre-Islamic Central Asia

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The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym) successfully organised this year four lectures integrated in “The Belt and Road Cultural Talk Series – Collections of Mural Paintings”, from August to September. Four experts and scholars introduced the mural art and cultural allure of Dunhuang, the Ancient Egypt, Russia and Sogdiana, unveiled mysteries and invaluable history, allowing participants to gain a deeper understanding of the cultural connotations of the “Belt and Road” countries.

In support of the country’s “Belt and Road” initiative, IC organised four lectures on mural art, aimed at promoting cultural exchange and strengthening the bonds between peoples. The four lectures included “The Splendid Arts of Dunhuang Grottoes” presented by Zhang Xiaogang, Vice President of the Dunhuang Academy; “Arts and Immortality: Mural Paintings in Queen Nefertari’s Tomb” presented by Professor Jin Shoufu from Fudan University; “Russian Fine Arts and Art of Mural Paintings” presented by Sun Tao, Director of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and “Sogdiana, its mural paintings and religious art: A forgotten civilization from pre-Islamic Central Asia” was presented by Professor Matteo Compareti from the School of History of the Capital Normal University in Beijing. The four speakers gave an in-depth and intriguing introduction to mural art and its history and culture, creating a lively atmosphere through enthusiastic exchanges with the audience.

IC has been organising ‘The Belt and Road Cultural Talk Series’ every year since 2017 hosting a total of 33 talks to date. It hopes to deepen public’s understanding of the “Belt and Road” countries and regions and their cultures, facilitating diverse cultural exchange.

For more information about the activity, please visit the website of the Division of Research and Publications of the Cultural Affairs Bureau (www.icm.gov.mo/academics).

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