
[Macao-Hengqin Investment Promotion in Guangzhou] Over 150 Healthcare and Cross-border E-commerce Enterprises from Guangzhou Participated in the “Macao-Hengqin - Guangzhou Investment Promotion Conference for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area”

Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute
2024-01-22 12:51
  • “Macao and Hengqin - Guangzhou Investment Promotion Conference for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” kicks off today (19th)

  • More than 150 GBA enterprises participate in the “Macao-Hengqin - Guangzhou Investment Promotion Conference for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area”

  • : Communication between the participants and the speakers

  • An information counter is set up at the event to promote Macao-Hengqin investment environment and project implementation procedures

  • “Business Matching Seminar” is conducted at the venue of the “2024 Macao-Guangzhou Products Fair”

  • Nearly 60 business negotiations take place during the “Business Matching Seminar”

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“Macao-Hengqin - Guangzhou Investment Promotion Conference for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” kicked off in Guangzhou today (19 Jan), attracting over 150 enterprise representatives to participate in the event, including enterprises in medical and health care, well-known enterprises in e-commerce and smart logistics, high-tech listed enterprises, and cultural and creative investment enterprises.

The Conference was focused on introducing the business environment and advantages of Macao and Hengqin. Representatives from medical and health care, cross-border e-commerce and accounting companies in these two regions were invited to share their experience in starting business and project implementation in the two regions. Coupled with the on-site information counter providing prior services for company establishment in Macao and Hengqin, as well as investment presentation to over 150 medical and healthcare, cross-border e-commerce from GBA, it had led to 28 GBA brands and enterprises, including high technology and cultural investment enterprises, showing their interest in investing in Macao and Hengqin.

Promoting Investment in the “1+4” Industries

In line with the policies for the 2024 fiscal year in the economy and finance domain, it is required to implement the joint investment promotion between Macao and Hengqin. At the first phase, the investment promotion will be focused on the priority areas such as medical and healthcare, and cross-border e-commerce. Therefore, Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM), Guangzhou Municipal Commerce Bureau, and the Economic Development Bureau of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Co-operation Zone in Hengqin jointly organised the “Macao-Hengqin - Guangzhou Investment Promotion Conference for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” during “2024 Macao-Guangzhou Products Fair”, to promote Macao-Hengqin investment opportunities to over 150 companies in GBA in the areas including medical and health care, and cross-border e-commerce.

Business Matching Seminar Conducted Immediately after the Promotion Conference Transformed Investment Intentions into Projects

During the Conference, representatives of the Investment Promotion Division of IPIM and the Investment Promotion Department of the Economic Development Bureau of the In-Depth Co-operation introduced the investment environment in Macao and Hengqin respectively. In addition, representatives from medical, healthcare, cross-border e-commerce and accounting companies were invited to share their views on the advantages, experiences and insights in doing business in these two regions.

At the same time, an information counter was set up at the Conference, to offer on-site prior services relevant to Macao-Hengqin company establishment to representatives of the Guangzhou enterprises. The event reached many large enterprises interested in expanding businesses in Macao and Hengqin, and a total of 28 investors expressed their investment intentions.

On the afternoon of the same day, the “Business Matching Seminar” was held at the venue of the “2024 Macao-Guangzhou Products Fair”, attracting the participation from more than 60 companies from Macao and Guangdong Province. In addition, nearly 60 business negotiations took place, involving industries such as souvenirs, food, wine and cultural and creative products. Macao exhibitors who participated in the event stated that they had established contact with some mainland companies with preliminary co-operation intentions at the event and believed that the event would help expand their market in the Greater Bay Area.

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