Package tours and hotel occupancy rate for November 2023
Statistics and Census Service
2023-12-29 17:08
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Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that a total of 141 hotel establishments offered accommodation services to the public in November 2023, an increase of 22 year-on-year. Total number of available guest rooms grew by 26.3% to 46,000. The average occupancy rate of guest rooms hiked by 43.7 percentage points year-on-year to 82.3%; the rates for 2-star (88.9%) and 5-star hotels (82.7%) were relatively high, which showed respective growth of 37.6 percentage points and 47.2 percentage points.

The number of guests of hotel establishments in November leapt by 194.5%    year-on-year to 1,202,000; guests from mainland China (882,000), Hong Kong (154,000) and Taiwan (27,000) jumped by 173.8%, 788.2% and 980.8% respectively, whereas local guests (43,000) dropped by 28.5%. Meanwhile, the average length of stay of guests decreased by 0.1 night to 1.6 nights.

In the first eleven months of 2023, the average occupancy rate of guest rooms of hotel establishments went up by 43.0 percentage points year-on-year to 81.0%. The number of guests soared by 162.9% year-on-year to 12,245,000, while their average length of stay decreased by 0.1 night to 1.7 nights.

In November, there were 206,000 visitors arriving on package tours; meanwhile, a total of 39,000 Macao residents purchased outbound services through travel agencies, an uplift of 486.7% year-on-year. In the first eleven months of 2023, number of visitors arriving on package tours totalled 1,120,000, and that of Macao residents purchasing outbound services through travel agencies rocketed by 796.4% year-on-year to 366,000.

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