Quality Assurance Expert Panel Visited Macao Polytechnic University to Promote Exchange and Co-operation on Quality Assurance in Higher Education
Macao Polytechnic University
2023-11-10 20:15
  • Quality Assurance Expert Panel visited Macao Polytechnic University to promote exchange and co-operation on quality assurance in higher education

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In order to further understand the development of higher education and quality assurance in Macao, Acting Chair Carol Lynn Bobby and members of the Quality Assurance Expert Panel (QEP) visited Macao Polytechnic University (MPU) under the arrangement of the Education and Youth Development Bureau. The Panel was warmly received by the Vice Rector, Dr. Lei Ngan Lin, and was introduced to the development of teaching, research and quality accreditation at the University. A cordial and fruitful discussion on issues such as the progress of higher education teaching and learning evaluation and accreditation was held.

Dr. Lei Ngan Lin emphasised that MPU values quality assurance in teaching and learning. MPU is the first higher education institution in Macao to have had a successful institutional review by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, UK, the first and only institution in Macao to have twice secured the "National Teaching Achievement Award” presented by the Ministry of Education, and the only higher institution in the nation to have received the “Asia-Pacific Quality Award” three times from the Asia-Pacific Quality Network.

Members of the QEP shared information on assessment systems from around the world and discussed the experiences and challenges faced by higher education institutions in implementing quality assurance. The experts encouraged MPU to maintain its successful results and to continue to enhance quality assurance in higher education.

During the visit, members of the Panel had a tour of MPU’s scientific laboratories and were given an introduction by the research team. Attendees of the synposium included QEP members Chong Siong Choy, Ian Malcolm Kimber, Fan Wei and Achim Hopbach; as well as Lam Nogueira Oi Ching, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Sports; Cheong Weng Lam, Head of the Acadmic Affairs Department; and Gan Chun Yan, Director of the Teaching and Learning Centre.

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