
Opening hours of Dr. Sun Yat Sen Municipal Park adjusted to all day

Municipal Affairs Bureau
2023-03-22 18:24
  • Opening hours of Dr. Sun Yat Sen Municipal Park adjusted to all day

  • Opening hours of Dr. Sun Yat Sen Municipal Park adjusted to all day

  • Opening hours of Dr. Sun Yat Sen Municipal Park adjusted to all day

  • Opening hours of Dr. Sun Yat Sen Municipal Park adjusted to all day

  • Opening hours of Dr. Sun Yat Sen Municipal Park adjusted to all day

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The opening hours of Dr. Sun Yat Sen Municipal Park are adjusted to all day from 20 March onwards for the public to enjoy a green living space and to address the increase in people flow after the opening of Qingmao checkpoint, so as to provide convenience to the public and tourists to spend their leisure time in the park in different time periods.

The Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) completed the construction works of the park walls, widening the pavement outside Dr. Sun Yat Sen Municipal Park in December last year to create a better walking environment in the area from Qingmao checkpoint to Border Gate. Furthermore, bright colours were reintroduced to the park and greening was carried out on the low walls to attract the public to enter the park to spend their leisure time. As a large number of members of the public and visitors use Qingmao checkpoint every day to go back and forth between Macao and Zhuhai, especially in the night time and early hours of the day, the opening hours of Dr. Sun Yat Sen Municipal Park are adjusted to all day to facilitate the public’s use of the leisure facilities in the park during different times of the day. The opening hours of the various facilities inside the park vary, and park visitors are advised to comply with the instructions of the staff. For enquiries, the public can call the IAM Civic Service Hotline 2833 7676.

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